
In the digital era, electronic invoicing has become an essential tool for the efficient and agile management of companies. In Spain, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the self-employed are not exempt from this trend, as for some years now there has been a legal obligation to issue electronic invoices in certain cases. In this article, we will explore in detail what this obligation entails and how it can benefit businesses in the Spanish context.

What is electronic invoicing and why is it mandatory?

Electronic invoicing is a system that allows issuing, sending, receiving and storing invoices in electronic format, without the need to use paper. In Spain, Law 25/2013, of December 27, on the promotion of electronic invoicing and the creation of the accounting registry of invoices in the Public Sector, establishes the obligation to issue electronic invoices in commercial relations with public administrations for certain subjects.

The Crea & Crece Law has marked a milestone in the Spanish business panorama by promoting administrative simplification and boosting digitalization. Within these measures, electronic invoicing emerges as a key tool to streamline business processes and improve the competitiveness of entrepreneurs. In this article, we will explore how electronic invoicing fits within the framework of the Crea & Crece Law and what benefits it offers to entrepreneurs. This electronic invoicing is expected to be mandatory by 2025.

Electronic invoicing offers numerous practical benefits for entrepreneurs, such as saving time and resources in administrative management. By eliminating the need to print, send and file paper invoices, invoicing processes are streamlined and the costs associated with document management are reduced, allowing entrepreneurs to devote more time and resources to strategic activities and business growth, ensuring compliance with their tax obligations by offering more transparency and traceability in business transactions.

The adoption of electronic invoicing not only allows entrepreneurs to comply with legal regulations, but also positions them in a more competitive position in the market by offering a more agile and efficient experience to their customers. In addition, the digitization of invoicing processes opens the door to the implementation of innovative solutions, such as process automation, integration with business management systems and the development of new business models based on data and analytics.

How to implement electronic invoicing:

To implement electronic invoicing in an SME or as a self-employed person in Spain, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  • Obtain a digital certificate: It is essential to have a digital certificate recognized by the Tax Agency in order to be able to sign invoices electronically.
  • Adapt the invoicing systems: It is important to have an invoicing software that allows generating electronic invoices in XML format according to the standard established by the Administration.
  • Sending electronic invoices: Once the electronic invoices have been generated, they must be sent to the public administrations through the electronic means enabled by each entity.

In summary, electronic invoicing within the framework of the Crea & Crece Law represents a unique opportunity for Spanish entrepreneurs to simplify their administrative processes, improve their competitiveness and promote innovation in their companies. By adopting this tool, entrepreneurs can benefit from time and resource savings, ensure regulatory compliance and offer a more efficient and transparent experience to their customers, paving the way towards a more digitized and prosperous business future.

Therefore, it is essential for companies to adapt to this system and take advantage of all the benefits it offers in today’s business environment.

In OMD Consulting we are aware of the changes that electronic invoicing means for our customers and therefore we have been working for some time to implement new technologies to help the customer to comply with the obligation of their invoicing with greater agility, speed and ease for them. Soon we will have an advanced system to make this procedure of remission of invoices easier and faster, as well as obtaining a free electronic invoicing system that will send the invoices made by your company automatically.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to take the initiative by adapting with us to the new digital reality.